Consider the following:
a. The user of your program is the costumer.
b. The Costumer selects one menu.
c. Consider Discounts
c.1 If the costumer is a Senior Citizen (give 20% Discount from the total amount due)
c.2 If the costumer is a Student (give 5.5% Discount)
c.3 If None of the (2) options No Discount will be given
package oop; import java.util.Scanner; public class Oop { static Scanner gene=new Scanner(; public static void main(String[] args) { String answer; char choose; do { int order,cash; double price=0,select,discount=0,total=0,fee=0; System.out.println("**OUR MENU**"); System.out.println("[1] Burger and Fries P100"); System.out.println("[2] Cake and Ice Cream P120"); System.out.println("[3] Chicken and Rice with coke P150"); System.out.println("[4] Special Palabok P200"); System.out.println("[5] Lechon Baboy P300"); System.out.println("\nEnter your order:"); order=gene.nextInt(); if((order>=1)&&(order<=5)) {switch (order){ case 1: System.out.println("\nBurger and Fries"); price=100;break; case 2: System.out.println("\nCake and Ice Cream"); price=120; break; case 3: System.out.println("\nChicken and Rice with Coke"); price=150; break; case 4: System.out.println("\nSpecial Palabok"); price=200;break; case 5: System.out.println("\nSpecial Palabok"); price=300;break; default:System.out.println("none"); break; } System.out.println("[1]Senior\n[2]Student\n[3]None\n\nEnter your choice:"); select=gene.nextInt(); if(select==1) discount=price*.20; else if(select==2) discount=price*.15; else if(select==3) discount=0; total=price-discount; System.out.println("Enter your amount:"); cash=gene.nextInt(); fee=cash-total; System.out.println("\nDiscount="+discount+"\nAmount to pay="+price+"\nChange="+fee); } else System.out.println("invalid"); System.out.println("\nDo you want to try again?");; choose=answer.charAt(0); } while(choose=='y'||choose=='Y'); System.out.println("Dumo-Arigatou"); } }
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